3 Ways To Enjoy The Bible More.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I know I’m supposed to read the Bible, but I wish it was more exciting!” If so, you are not alone. I have had that same thought. There have been times in my life when reading the Bible seemed more like a mindless chore than a refreshing hobby. I would pick up the Bible to fulfill my Christian duty of studying God’s Word, only to set it down ten minutes later for lack of excitement. But the Bible was never meant to be boring for us. Whenever the Bible seems boring, it usually has more to do with how we study it than the text itself. The bad news is that as imperfect people we have the potential to misread the Bible and develop wrong study habits that won’t work for us. The good news is that God loves variety and allows us to choose different ways to study His Word according to our personalities and desires. If the way you study the Bible is not producing joy within you, then you can change the way you study it. Here are three different m...