How You Can Help a Refugee Before the End of the Year
During this political election, refugeeism was a hot topic. How could America help people from foreign countries who were displaced from their homes? Should America help them? Political parties - and the American public- remain deeply divided over this issue. A refugee is “ a person who flees for refuge or safety, especially to a foreign country, as in time of political upheaval, war, etc. ” J. Calvin Holsinger writes about immigration in the last century (many of whom were also refugees): “Europe is a much more compacted area than the United States, and in the postwar [World War II] period, governments had to adapt to the strenuous period of reparations and recovery in an intense multinational climate. Government spending drove up national debts, leaving each nation to determine how it would pay back those debts. When Germany had to cut jobs, it found it far easier to send immigrants home than continue to accommodate them and risk laying off its own employment force. It was a successf...