A God of His Word

Day 7

Not one of all the LORD's good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.
Joshua 21:45

God had made a promise to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament: He would give them a land to call their own after 400 years of slavery in Egypt. And He fulfilled that promise. After Joshua led the Israelites into war against a land and a people who did not love God, God gave the Israelites the land and a place to call home. The Promised Land became the Given Land. 

God also made a promise to all of humanity: He would send His perfect Son Jesus Christ to become the sacrifice for our sins and to take our punishment in our place. And He fulfilled that promise two thousand years ago. Once and for all time our sins have been forgiven. 

Finally, God has made a promise to you: that if you would receive Jesus Christ  as your Savior, you would receive Life itself. Is there any better way to spend eternity than with a loving God who will love you as His child and friend? God will fulfill that promise to you if you let Him. 

In light of these promises, what can we say? That God is a trustworthy God who is a God of His Word. 

Father, I know I can trust you. 
I read in my Bible that you have fulfilled Your promises.
You will continue to fulfill Your promises because You are good and faithful toward me. 
Thank you in advance.
In Jesus' Name, Amen. 


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