God's Mercies Are Fresh

Have you ever had a day where it felt like everything that could possibly go wrong did?

Well, no matter how it felt, the truth is that day could have been a lot worse. That's not to say that bad days do not happen. They do. But as the saying goes: "Always look on the bright side of life."

For instance, when I went on my morning walk today, I could have complained how bitterly cold it felt. Instead, I thanked God that the sun was shining and that there was no wind to make the air feel colder. I also thanked God that He provided me with several layers of clothing so I could not get frostbite. Finally, I thanked God that the snow looked beautiful on the trees I walked past. 

Notice what the Scriptures say: "His mercies never cease." God is always merciful. He is merciful because no matter how badly we sin or how often we turn away from Him, He still loves us. He is faithful toward us. He will not give up on us. Truly, we do not deserve one good thing. 

Yes, bad things still happen. But so do good things. Count your blessings. They are from God who, in His mercy, still allows us to enjoy the little things in life: His mercies. 

What are the mercies that God has given you today?


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